Collins Marsh Wildlife Area consists of approximately 4,200 acres, which provides breeding and feeding areas for thousands of ducks and geese each year. The property is managed primarily for wetland wildlife.
A variety of birds make the marsh their home, including herons, black terns, marsh wrens, sedge wrens and yellow-winged blackbirds. Several pairs of osprey have territories in the marsh. Muskrats are abundant, while mink and otter are commonly observed. A large bottomland hardwood forest on the east side of the marsh is home to many forest-dwelling animals.
The uplands surrounding the marsh have been planted to grassland nesting cover which is home to ring-necked pheasants, cottontail rabbits, bobolinks, sandhill cranes, and northern harries. Some farming still takes place within the waterfowl refuge to help feed the large flocks of Canada geese that stop during spring and fall migration.
Location: Collins Marsh Wildlife Area is located approximately 12 miles west of Manitowoc and 2 miles south of Reedsville in west Manitowoc County. You an access the property on the west from CTH W, from the south on CTH JJ, on the east by Quarry, Einberger, and Collins Marsh Road, and on the north by Hilltop Road.
Collins Marsh Nature Center—— 20021 CTH JJ, (920) 772-4258.
Website for Collins Marsh Wildlife Area: www.collinsmarshnaturecenter@gmail.com