A qualified elector whos is unable to appear at the polling place on Election Day may vote by absentee ballot.
Qualified electors wishing to vote absentee must submit a request in writing to the town clerk.
- A qualified voter may either apply for an absentee ballot using the Application for Absentee Ballot (GAB-121) form (available online) or submit a written request, as long as the request is signed by the voter and includes all the information necessary to provide the voter with an absentee ballot. The written request must contain the voters’:
- Name
- Residential address
- Mailing address if any
- Statement of the elections for which the voter desires an absentee ballot
- An indication of status as a military voter, if applicable
- Declaration that he/she meets voting requirements
- Signature
- Date
- Any elector may make a written application by means of facsimile or email provided that he or she also mails the original request bearing his/her signature. The signed original request may be returned with the electors’ voted ballot. The application must be received no later than 5:00P.M. on the 5th day before the election. Absentee electors may apply in person in the Clerk’s Office up to 5:00 P.M. on the Friday preceding the election. Check for the Clerk’s hours.
- The elector may specifically request to automatically receive an absentee ballot for every election within a calendar year.
- All requests for an absentee ballot must be completed by each individual voter.
- Mail request to:
Rockland Town Clerk
615 Milwaukee Street
Collins, WI 54207
- For more information on absentee voting visit the G.A.B. website at http://gab.wi.gov/voters/absentee.